4 Signs That You’re Not Getting Enough Copper
Are you feeling sluggish, deficient in energy, and struggling to focus? If so, you may be deficient in copper. Copper is an essential nutrient that is often overlooked and under-appreciated, but it’s absolutely vital to your health. Copper plays a key role in the production of energy and the utilization of vitamins and minerals. It also helps promote healthy metabolism, ensures strong and healthy bones, and helps your nervous system function properly. Unfortunately, copper deficiency is more common than you might think. Here are four signs from our team at MitoSynergy that you may not be getting enough copper in your diet.
ANEMIACopper is essential for the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells, so if you’re deficient in copper, you may suffer from anemia. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, pale skin, headaches, and dizziness. |
WEAKNESS AND FATIGUECopper helps the body produce energy, so if you’re not getting enough copper in your diet, it’s likely that you may often feel weak and sluggish. Copper helps your body absorb iron from the gut that helps move oxygen to your tissues, and when you are copper deficient, your absorption of iron may suffer as a result. |
POOR COGNITIVE FUNCTIONCopper is important for cognitive health, so if you’re deficient in copper, you may struggle with concentration, focus, and memory. Copper is vital for brain function and development, as it is utilized by enzymes to supply energy to the brain and aid in sending signals throughout your body. Copper deficiency has also been linked to diseases that affect memory, including Alzheimer’s disease. |
SLOW HEALINGCopper helps the body produce collagen, which is important for wound healing. If you’re not getting enough copper in your diet, you may find that your injuries take longer to heal. Copper is essential for healthy connective tissues, and when you’re not getting enough, you could literally feel it in your bones. |