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BioCopper1: clinically proven to help with

Increased Energy
Human energy boils down to a form of currency called adenosine triphosphate, otherwise known as ATP. ATP is made within most cells of the body, and it is made within the cell through three steps. The third step, electron transport chain, yields 34 of a total of 38 ATP per cycle. Bioavailable copper is necessary for the electron transport chain to operate. Therefore, by supplementing with MitoSynergy BioCopper1, you are able to increase the production of ATP and have more energy!

Reduced Discomfort
Inadequate levels of bioavailable copper in the cell impair its ability to make ATP, adenosine triphosphate. When the cell is not making ATP, it is making lactic acid; it is always doing one or the other. A cell is a pulsing machine. The cell is either happy or unhappy; living or dying, making ATP or lactic acid. Simply increasing ATP and reducing lactic acid can help the body help itself, reducing discomfort in the process.

Increased Mental Clarity
All brain processes and bodily functions are dependent on the body’s form of currency called adenosine triphosphate, otherwise known as ATP. The brain cannot perform at optimal levels without adequate supplies of ATP; therefore, inadequate levels can impair mental clarity.

NY TImes Bestselling Author
Dave Asprey
“There is a more powerful form of copper that is associated with antiaging. Scientists have discovered that copper can be bound to a B vitamin called niacin that increases blood flow. The patented combination, called BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir), from a company called MitoSynergy is profoundly effective.”
- Dave Asprey, Smarter Not Harder
Why you need a copper supplement
Cellular nutrition
For every cell in your body, the source of energy that keeps everything working is called Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is your body’s way to store and use energy.
ATP is required for the active transport of nutrients into cells and waste out of cells.
MitoSynergy BioCopper1 is the only copper (I) supplement in the world.
Deficiencies in soil
For over 100 years modern agricultural practices have been depleting our soils of copper. As a result, our plants (food) are deficient before we even consume them. Fan and coworkers (2008) examined the mineral content of archived British wheat samples from the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment (established in 1843 at Rothamsted, UK). The concentrations of zinc, iron, copper and magnesium remained stable between 1845 and the mid -1960s but subsequently decreased after the introduction of semi-dwarf, high-yielding cultivars. A 2004 US study found important nutrients in some garden crops are up to 38% lower than they were at the middle of the 20th Century.
Physically I was really not doing well, and my body was pretty much shutting down. I honestly didn’t think I would survive, I was that sick. After the pain kind of subsided, I started noticing that I would have more energy and everything in my body started to seem like it was turning back on. Like 99% of my symptoms are gone all the time.

Types of copper

Copper 0
29 electrons
29 protons
Solid Copper, such as a penny, pipe or nugget.

Copper 1
28 electrons
29 protons
Half oxidized, and properly chelated, this copper is bioavailable to your body and essential for cellular health.
This is the copper in MitoSynergy products.

Fully oxidized, this copper is non-bioavailable. Because Copper 2 is not absorbed when it enters the body, it accumulates in the extracellular matrix.
This is the copper in ALL other supplement brands.
The importance of MitoSynergy’s BioCopper1
The body has an intestinal transport system for copper-1, Ctr1, which channels copper-1 through the liver and into safe channels. Ctr1 cannot absorb copper-2, and some copper-2 bypasses the liver, ends up in the blood quickly, and is toxic to cognition. Humans evolved to handle copper-1 safely, but not copper-2.
Why BioCopper1 is different from all other copper supplements
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BioCopper1, fully absorbed for maximum benefit
Copper is more than just a pretty penny. The health and wellness benefits of copper include energy production, antioxidant activity, and the formation of connective tissue, including collagen. MitoSynergy BioCopper1 health supplements contain bioavailable copper — the only health supplement in the world that does. BioCopper1 is a type of copper that can be fully absorbed and utilized by the body.
Taken as a stand-alone supplement, MitoActivator, or in our proprietary blend of nutrients, MitoSynergy Advanced, BioCopper1 supports optimal health and well-being.
Why BioCopper1 is different from all other copper supplements
Which product should I start with?
BioCopper1 Supplements
Sensitive users should start here and work up

MitoActivator LDS
.1 mg
per capsule
When you are comfortable at 3 doses of LDS per day, we recommend you move to MitoActivator EX, starting with 1 and working up to 3-4 a day.
Most people take this

Extra Strength
.5 mg
per capsule
Start with 1 and working up 3-4 a day.
MAX is for maximum anti-aging including reduction of gray hair†

MitoActivator MAX
2 mg
per capsule
If you are just beginning to see gray hair, start with 2 MitoActivator EX daily; increase as needed. If you wish to reverse gray hair, 1-4 MitoActivator MAX capsules daily (2-8mg)
Multi-nutrient BioCopper1 Supplements
BioCopper1, plus CoQ10 and D-Ribose; original formulation

MitoSynergy Original
.25 mg
per capsule
When you’ve reached 2 a day of MitoSynergy Original, we recommend moving up to MitoActivator Extra Strength or MitoAdvanced if you would like a more complete multi-nutrient vitamin.
MitoAdvanced is our multi-nutrient complex for optimum anti-aging effect.†

2 mg
per 4 capsules
We recommend taking MitoAdvanced if you are looking for multivitamin with Mitochondrial support. Start with 1 a day and work your way up to 4 a day.
MitoAdvanced is our multi-nutrient complex for optimum anti-aging effect.†

2 mg
per 4 capsules
We recommend taking MitoAdvanced if you are looking for multivitamin with Mitochondrial support. Start with 1 a day and work your way up to 4 a day.

MitoSynergy Original Formula with BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir)
MitoActivator, with its one of a kind patented BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir, Copper Niacin), is our flagship product. It also contains D-Ribose and CoQ10 for additional support.
MitoActivator EX (Extra Strength), with its one of a kind patented BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir, Copper Niacin), contains 0.5 mg of BioCopper1 per capsule.
MitoActivator MAX with BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir)
MAX is for maximum anti-aging including reduction of gray hair†MitoActivator MAX, with its one of a kind patented BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir, Copper Niacin) contains 2.0 mg of BioCopper1 per capsule.
MitoAdvanced BioCopper1 Complex with BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir)
MitoSynergy’s focus is to help the body help itself by feeding BioCopper1 (Cunermuspir, copper-niacin) to the cells to support the mitochondria in synthesizing ATP. The combination of our blend with BioCopper1 may help where other nutritional supplements have failed.