At MitoSynergy, we want people to get the most out of their BioCopper1TM supplements. Copper can provide several benefits, including energy production, antioxidant activity, and the formation of connective tissue. However, if you’re taking a copper supplement and don’t have all the information about its benefits, we’re here to help.
WHAT IS BIOAVAILABLE COPPER?MitoSynergy’s BioCopper1 supplement contains bioavailable copper. If you’re not familiar with that term, that’s okay. Bioavailable copper is a type of copper that can be fully absorbed and utilized by the body. This can be extremely beneficial for those with a copper deficiency due to a health issue. |
CHANGING YOUR SUPPLEMENTSWith bioavailable copper being present in our supplements, it could be beneficial to switch from a generic supplement to one with BioCopper1 so your body can produce more energy through the absorption of the copper. Your multivitamin might have copper in it, but that’s likely copper 2, which cannot be absorbed by your cells. |
BOOST ENERGY AND MENTAL CLARITYMitoSynergy offers a number of outstanding products, all with the benefits of BioCopper1. Through the proper use of our supplements, you can boost your energy and improve mental clarity, helping you feel better and get more done each day. |
READY TO GET STARTED?If you’re ready to try a new copper supplement, or you want to know more about our BioCopper1 products, please feel free to contact us right away. At MitoSynergy, we want to provide the solutions your body needs. |